Homeland Security: The Five-W's


Welcome to Homeland Security, the Five-W’s: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. This site is designed as a factual resource for anybody trying to understand homeland security. Based on our own research experience, we have tried to build a "one stop shop" to help answer basic questions and expand knowledge on this important topic. As the site grows and expands, we hope it will become a useful tool for students, researchers, and the curious of mind.

Jay Billups & Rick White, Ph.D.

V2.0, August, 2020

Download HS5Ws PDF Handbook

Companion textbook available for purchase on Amazon

Contact Us: email hs5ws2020@gmail.com

Topic Categories

1.0 Foundations

2.0 Beginnings

3.0 Transformation

4.0 Evolution

5.0 Customs & Border Protection

6.0 Counterterrorism

7.0 Emergency Management

8.0 Countering WMD

9.0 Infrastructure Protection

10.0 Cybersecurity

11.0 Terrorism

12.0 Conclusions